Social media… “What’s the point?! It takes hours and hours and it seems like half the time, barely anyone sees my posts anyway.” Sound familiar? I hear you! It’s time to make it worth it. Read on for 15 Top Tips for increasing your social media engagement.

Firstly, you need to understand a little bit about that cheeky, somewhat elusive, constantly changing algorithm. In 2018, Facebook made the decision to prioritise personal posts over business page posts in the News Feed. The main reason being is that they began using “meaningful engagement” as an important signifier that a post should be shown to more people. That means reach is dependent on social media engagement - posts getting active and thoughtful interactions.

Facebook had a pretty sweet reason behind this change:

“Interacting with people is associated with a greater sense of well-being…

Just scrolling through your Facebook feed, passively reading or watching without interacting with others, tends to make people feel worse.”
– Facebook

That brings us to the million dollar (or million follower) question:

HOW do you increase your social media engagement?

If you are serious about increasing your social media engagement, here are the top 15 things you need to do.